Why Supplement During Your Reproductive Journey?
May 25, 2021
Let’s be real. Life is hectic. Busy. You’ve got a million and one things to do and, some days, a quick microwave meal or to-go dinner is all your energy levels will allow.
Most of us aren’t getting the nutrition we need. Usually, that’s not the end of the world, but when you’re supporting and growing a new life in your belly, nutrition becomes a priority. You want to give your baby a good start to life, for him or her to be born strong, healthy, and with exceptional immunity.
Or maybe you’re trying to conceive. Nutrition isn’t just important for pregnancy, it’s a key factor in fertility.
The message is clear: supplementing to improve nutrition is extremely important during all stages of your reproductive journey.
But don’t take our word for it. Let’s look at the science.
Nutrition and Its Role in Fertility:
Eating a healthy, balanced diet and taking the proper supplements improves fertility for both men and women. There are studies about it.
In a recent study conducted by Schaefer E (2019), it was found that fertility has declined globally to unprecedented low levels. According to the CDC, in the United States, 10.9% of women aged 15 to 44 have impaired fertility. That’s a lot.
Women in the United States just aren’t being told they need to supplement. But worldwide, women of reproductive age are recommended nutrient supplementation throughout all stages of the pregnancy journey. Why? To reduce their risk of a difficult pregnancy and their baby having nutrient deficiencies.
The bottom line: supplementing will help you conceive and lower your chances of an adverse pregnancy.
Why You Should be Concerned About Protein:

During pregnancy, a woman’s macronutrient intake needs to grow significantly. Prenatal supplements and vitamins are important for the development of the baby while maintaining the mother's bone density.
To get more technical, within several weeks of conception, your body starts pulling resources from you to support fetal growth and development. The dietary intake during pregnancy must provide sufficient energy and protein to ensure delivery of a healthy infant.
It’s estimated that the energy required during the full term of pregnancy is an extra 300 calories per day. And if you start getting deficient in protein during pregnancy, it gets worse during lactation.
When you breastfeed, the body uses protein to produce breast milk, requiring an extra 500 calories per day. As you know, a mother’s milk helps the baby grow, developing organs, muscles and the brain.
Basically, you need a truck load of protein to help your baby. Additional protein is essential for a successful pregnancy.
That’s what we’re focused on. Our dietary supplements are filled with additional protein to support both mother and baby throughout the reproductive stages.
Best of all, our protein powder uses natural, plant-based proteins including pea and rice proteins. One of the biggest reasons health professionals are advocating plant protein during pregnancy is that animal protein has to be cooked before consumption to ensure safety. A plant-based alternative provides moms with a healthy, simple option.
Nisus Life Journey protein powder is the perfect protein supplement for mother and baby.
Let’s Recap:

Supplementing is important because….
Most of us don’t have the time to create nutritionally dense meals all day, every day.
Poor nutrition creates fertility issues in both men and women.
Growing a little human inside of you (then feeding it) is demanding. Your body needs so much extra protein that it’s hard to achieve the right levels through diet alone.
Our natural protein powders and probiotics make it easy to get the exact nutrients you need during every part of your reproductive and postpartum healing journey. And what’s better than a happy, healthy mom and baby?
Schaefer E, Nock D. The Impact of Preconceptional Multiple-Micronutrient Supplementation on Female Fertility. Clin Med Insights Womens Health. 2019;12:1179562X19843868. Published 2019 Apr 23. doi:10.1177/1179562X19843868
McKenna E, Hure A, Perkins A, Gresham E. Dietary Supplement Use during Preconception: The Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health. Nutrients. 2017;9(10):1119. Published 2017 Oct 13. doi:10.3390/nu9101119
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