Want a Healthy Gut? Don’t Skip the Prebiotics.

The health of your gut is influenced by what you eat, but it’s challenging for any new mom to keep up with a healthy diet. For this reason, supplements can be a simple way to support gut health. Most people automatically think of probiotic foods and supplements when it comes to gut health, but prebiotics are just as important. Prebiotics can help improve digestion and strengthen immunity and keep your gut bacteria healthy.The gut microbiome is home to thousands of strains of bacteria living in symbiotic harmony with your digestive system. But these organisms can’t thrive without help from their “friends” — prebiotics — that provides them nutrition for growth. In many ways, probiotics are virtually useless without prebiotics.

What is a prebiotic?

Probiotics and prebiotics work together for optimal gut health but are not the same.A prebiotic is a non-digestible food that promotes the growth and activity of your gut bacteria. They can’t be broken down by human enzymes when consumed, so your gut bacteria feed on them instead.Prebiotics act as fuel for probiotics — they provide them with what they need to do their job correctly — and science has shown how important these foods are to keep your gut bacteria happy.

What foods are high in prebiotics?

Foods high in prebiotics include:
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Leeks
  • Artichokes
  • Asparagus
  • Bananas
  • Oats
  • Chickpeas
  • Beans
  • Lentils
However, any food high in fiber will be good for your gut health because the indigestible dietary fiber will feed your gut bacteria. Breastmilk also provides unique prebiotics and probiotics for your baby, but the composition is influenced by your diet.

What are the health benefits of prebiotics?

Prebiotics are more than just a way to keep your gut bacteria happy. Taking prebiotics can reduce your risk of chronic diseases associated with inflammation. They also keep your gut lining healthy, boost immunity, balance the ratio of beneficial bacteria, and produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFA).SCFAs are metabolites produced by gut bacteria when they break down prebiotics. They are associated with immune health, disease risk reduction, and even brain health.

Can you take prebiotic supplements?

While it’s always ideal to get nutrients from food first, prebiotic supplements are helpful for new mamas who barely can find the time to sit down to a well-balanced meal. Prebiotic supplements come in many forms and are even more beneficial when combined with a good probiotic.

Support your gut for optimal health for you and your baby

Prebiotics are an essential complement to probiotic supplements. They feed the good bacteria in your digestive tract, which improves digestion and immune function. It’s always best to start with your diet, but prebiotic supplementation can be beneficial to keep your (and your baby’s) gut healthy and happy.Nisus Life Postpartum & Lactation Protein Powder contains Prebiotics.


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